- balmain
- power shoulder
- strong shoulder
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Power Shoulders: Yay or Nay?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Gazillion Thanks + DIY Project Stud Crazeee!

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Welcome to Heartbreak Hotel...
The weirdest thing happened today. I think I got DUMPED on our 4 yrs and 7th month anniversary. My bf and I are supposed to watch the movie 2012 in The Americana in Glendale, CA. We got the tickets for 8:15pm but we got there late and the theater was packed so we had to exchange them for the 10:25pm schedule. To pass time, we walked around, visited clothing stores, and had dinner. While waiting for our order, I checked my facebook account on his iPhone and showed him a photo of what I wore the night I went clubbing with my girlfriends... It's that Gloria-V bodysuit from American Apparel that Megan Fox wore in Rolling Stones mag. You might have seen xppinx sporting the same outfit in her blog. Also the same outfit that I got a dispute with AA if you have read my previous blog entries. So the boyfriend got mad. He obviously didn't want me wearing revealing clothes and I did anyway. He said I never listen to him that I do whatever I please as if I'm single. In my mind I asked..What am I supposed to wear to a club? A turtleneck? After that, he refused to talk to me the whole time. I kept asking him and tried to explain but he wouldn't look me in the eyes as if I'm talking to a wall. After eating, we walked back to the theater, actually he walked way ahead of me. I was following him. He was so far ahead that I couldn't even catch up. I was deeply hurt coz It's the first time a guy did this to me. I am thinking of leaving maybe take a cab home or something but I still have the movie tickets with me so I just kept on following him. I saw him entered the theater and then I lost him again. So I went to the ladies room. I wanted to cry so bad I don't want people to see me and feel sorry for me, plus I don't wanna ruin my makeup. I know right? so vain even in a time like this. Then I went out saw him smoking a cig outside the theater. I gave him his ticket without saying a word then I walked back in. He wasn't coming in. I just sat there in the bench and waited. Still got 45 minutes before the movie starts. I was thinking of maybe calling my brother to pick me up if ever the bF leaves me there. I was deeply hurt because NEVER in my life did a guy treated me this way. Then I saw couples that are super sweet and thought to myself how lucky they are. I decided to wait more. Then the bf came inside 20 minutes before the movie starts. After maybe 10 minutes of not talking, he said he's sleepy and wanted to go home instead. So I gave him my ticket and he got it refunded. He walked out of the theater and there I was following him again. He walked way ahead of me. I saw him lighting another cig while walking towards the parking lot. I finally got in his car and waited till he finished smoking. Then I offered him the scented hand sanitizer (like I always do after he smokes) but he said he doesnt want it. Then he started the car and we were quiet the whole time driving on the way home. I leaned on his shoulder and tried to hold his hand but he said 'I'm driving!' I tried holding back my tears. He just wanted to drop me off the curb but I insisted he park his car and we should talk first. He refused and said he's sleepy and he'll just call me. What an excuse right? It's only like 10:30pm and he's sleepy! At this point I felt that it was over between us. But I don't want to leave his car. I wanted to hear it person. I wanted to hear and see him say that it's over! But he refused. I can see that he is really annoyed by me now at this time. So I decided to give up. I just said thanks for the dinner and happy anniversary and he just said okay. I thought to myself that this maybe the last time I'm gonna see him so I hugged him tightly and I whispered to his ear 'thank you.' I left and walked to my house. I started crying coz I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. I'm pretty sure he saw me. He stayed there until I got inside my house. I walked straight to my room and cried more. I waited for him to call but he never did. I sent him a text message after almost 2 hours..."You promised you'd call when you get home" but no reply. I'm still in shock and still trying to process what just happened. He can't just leave me because of wearing that damn outfit. Maybe there's more to it. I'm clueless to what he was thinking. I refuse to think negatively. I have no idea what to do. I have not seen this side of him until now. It's surprising after so many years of being with him. I never thought he would abandon me like that. So I guess that's it. I think just got dumped over stupid stuff. I searched for some fitting breakup songs online, found this and then cried myself to sleep... Pause @ 0:22 "Love is putting up with someone's bad qualities...because they somehow complete you" ***
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Currently watching: You're Beautiful (aka You're Handsome)

Tae Kyung and On Yu are in search of a new member for their idol group, A.N.JELL. However, Mi Nam suffers an injury at the last moment. So Mi Nyu, his twin sister, is asked to step in for her brother. The rest of the drama follows the behind-the-scenes life of an idol group.
Jang Geun Suk as Hwang Tae Kyung Park Shin Hye as Go Mi Nam / Go Mi Nyu Lee Hong Ki as Kang On Yu / Jeremy Jung Yong Hwa as Kang Shin Woo
I just finished watching Episode 14. It airs in Korea on Wednesdays and Thursdays so I have to wait until next week for the last couple episodes. I think it's a hybrid of "Coffee Prince" and "Boys Before Flowers." I can't help but compare "You're Beautiful" to those two previous dramas because they are similar in some ways. The lead female character pretends to be a guy (just like in Coffee Prince). However, I must admit that Go Eun Chan is more convincing as a guy. There's also a love triangle among Tae Kyung, Go Mi Nyu, and Shin Woo (just like Jun Pyo, Jan Di, and Ji Hoo in BBF). Thanks to Chomfifi for recommending this k-drama!
Watch it here with english subs:
or http://www.mysoju.com/youre-beautiful/
Oh and I found this clip from yt! Didn't know the lead female character "Park Shin Hye" can dance...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
American Apparel Order Issue Status: RESOLVED!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween '09 Recap