Friday, December 24, 2010

West Siddddde!

Saw the WEST SIDE STORY Musical at the Pantages Theater couple weeks ago.

I know it's not good to compare it with the movie but I can't help it.  I liked the movie better. 

Here is the musical trailer:


1)  The order of the songs COOL and OFFICER KRUPKE was switched.  Somebody said that it was the original Broadway order and that the movie switched it.  Well, I like the order of the movie more because COOL seemed to be approriate after someone died instead of OFFICER KRUPKE where they are goofing around. 

2) I also wished the guys participated in AMERICA number - it would have been more fun. 

3)  They added some SPANISH lines which I couldn't understand.


1)  The cast have AMAZING vocals.  My fave was their TONIGHT ENSEMBLE version.  

2) I'm glad they kept the Jerome Robbin's dance choreo. I heard he was a slave driver in the movie that's why they kicked him out, but they brought him back after it won several OSCARS.  He was a dance genius!


Here is a funny clip of Will Ferrell doin a West Side Story number...