"Dirty Dancing The Musical" is currently showing at the Pantages Theatre here in LA! Being a huge fan of the classic movie, I had to see it live! I even watched the movie again to refresh my memory and ofcourse to see Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayzee) utter the famous 'Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner" line! He sure was hot back in the days!
The show starts at 8pm so we went to dine first at Musso & Franks Grill Restaurant - Hollywood's oldest Restaurant est 1919 and also one of celebrities hot spots. No we didn't see any celeb that day =(
^ in front of the the restaurant
^ with our super nice server "Juan" We still got extra time after dinner so we decided to walk around and do a lil cam whoring!
^ Found a hot pink corvette with my name on the license plate!
with Superman and i guess Joker? And yes they do pose for tips
^ Guess who else I found at Hollywood and Highland? Shorty (the homeless guy) from Season 1 Episode 7 of Keeping up with the Kardashians. My friend was weirded out coz i took pic with the homeless guy lol! Watch video below if you don't remember him. I felt sorry for him coz looks like he's still homeless =( Now time for the show!
^ Outside the Pantages Theatre
^ Inside
^ My ticket. Orchestra seats baby!!!
^ We're this close to stage. I can't take anymore pics coz cameras are not allowed inside. Here's a vid review of the musical. These are the same characters that played. It amazing how much they look like the real movie cast. Overall, the show was great! They played most of the original songs. I'm not gonna spill the beans anymore for those who still wanna see it. I just wish there could have been more singing especially by the lead characters but it's alright coz dancing is the real main thing. Some mementos from the show... 
^ i love my 'Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner' tank top!
lmao I can't believe you found Shorty!!! hahaha. That's so awesome! Love your dress btw, you look absolutely fabulous!!!
that's so neat! your dress is really nice!
i cant wait to go see the show! ive seen wicked twice and the phantom of the opera!
omg dat is hilarious that you found shorty! lol. i wudnt recognized him he grew back his beard lol. but poor thing, he does look homeless again =( love ur dress!
Sooo pretty FOTD's :D
Looks like you had fun! I really like your dress :)
So cool how you found a pink corvette with YOUR name on it!! It was fate!!
awesome! seemed like an amazing time lol
You are very lucky! I love the movie Dirty dancing too and how I wished I was given a chance to do that too,I love your dress too and I like the pink corvette.. You look really gorgeous. Love everything Lol*
Lovely photos! U look very chic in that black dress. I like. =)
Looks like you had a great time.
I tagged u for an award. =)
wow that is so random u found shorty hahahahahaha i was just watching Keeping up with the Kardashians yesterday :D
Looking hot next to the pink car!! Hehehe
I remember that episode with Shorty, that was so sad.
ok so you need to go back to downtown fashion district. you must have over looked the good stuff.
Theres this store called Forever 26 where they have dresses that fits your style. The have dresses from Forever 21, Wet Seal, Charlotte russe. Theyre all new. The most you'll pay is 14 bucks. 1139 S. Santee Street Los Angeles, Ca 90015. (213)745-5548.
you should check it out when u get a chance. you might buy the whole store lol.
shorty!?!?! hahahha!!! how random is that!!
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